
Showing posts from 2019

A weird feeling

It's a weird feeling, isn't it? When you miss someone. You're with all these people and suddenly you're alone. And you miss everyone. Suddenly you feel empty as if something is missing from your life. Where are those emotions you felt when you were with them? Where are those moments when you were with them? Did you cherish them? Did you live, love and enjoy every moment you spent together with them? All these questions start popping into your mind, with images of the moments you spent together. The smile of the people you love starts playing in your mind in slow motion. Don't know how this works but that feeling of emptiness haunts you for some time. You blindly smile looking at the photos or remembering those moments. For some time until you miss them completely. And then it dawns upon you that those moments you spent won't ever come back. But then it doesn't matter now. The questions you're asking, don't matter now. But the answers surely do.

Wrote this yesterday

And today I don't know what to write. I'm sitting here staring at the "Note" section in google keep. The title is still empty and i don't think I'll fill it. I just felt like I should write something but idk what. I really don't. I don't know what to call this feeling but I've felt it before. It is this feeling when you have so much to do but nothing at all. When you want to do something but at the same time you know it won't make a difference or it won't matter. Or the feeling when you're around people but you still feel lonely. I... am not me when I'm around people. I am me when you spend time with me. You get to know me when I open up to you when we're talking to each other only. Via any medium. It would be more truthful and meaningful if we're talking in person. Obviously. I am a completely different, calm and patient person when we're alone and we're talking only to each other. I'll share things with you

What's been up

So for starters, let me tell you that I now have a account ( FINALLY 🎉). I'm looking forward to exploring the awesome dev community and posting a lot of tech-related stuff. 👨‍💻 Also, as I said in this post ,  I just used to track if I learned something new today or not. Now, I track what I learned each day. It can be anything from simple vocabulary to tech. I just created a simple HTML form and a PHP script which updates the data in the database. Other than that, I recently changed the arrangement at my workplace, making it a lot cleaner and spacious. I just removed the extra cot and voila! Now I have a lot more space. So I just flipped the table ( earlier I used to sit on my 🛏 ) and arranged the tripod and stuff for later use. 🥳🎉🎉Guess what? We ( I and Rohit ) won the PICT ACM Pulzion "Web/App development" contest! You can check out what we developed here . That's it for today! See you in the next post! Peace ✌

Dear Friend

I know... I know we haven't talked much since last few days. I just want you to know that I really want to tell you what I'm upto. I want to know what you're doing and how's life in general. But the thing is I'm really caught up in the app that I'm creating. Most of my time I'm either thinking about it or how to fix the bugs. Sigh. This doesn't mean I've stopped caring about you or I'm too busy to talk to you. No. I still care. Sometimes, I wonder if I would regret spending so much time on that app that I don't even talk to my parents properly let alone friends. Of course I talk to them but mostly I listen while working on the app. I wonder, what if I never get to talk to you again? I would definitely be devastated and I would think, "Was it worth it?" Probably not. You mean a lot to me. All of you guys. IT, VC, RD, PN, KK, KP, MK, everyone. It's you guys who make me who I am today. I'm really grateful that you'

Summer Checklist Update

So as you might know from my previous post, I made a checklist for the 15 day summer holidays - yeah they were 15 days only :( And here's an update on that. Umn so out of 12 things I needed to do, I did 5 of them which you can find here: So, I completed almost 42% of the tasks I wanted to do. Haha! you thought I wouldn't do any one of them, didn't you? Sorry to let you down. But wait there's still more... There were 3 things which I had to do every single day 1-hour study every day 1-hour code every day ( maybe start #100daysofcode challenge )  1-hour creative stuff every day So I used an app called Loopz habit tracker . It's actually an open source android app where you can track your habits. And, here are the stats: 1-hour study: 5/15 days ( 33% ) 1-hour code: 3/15 days ( 20% ) 1-hour creative stuff: 6/15 days ( 40% ) Average: 31% :

The Summer Checklist

Finally! Exams are over! Not that I'm excited because I know that my excitement won't last too long. The summer holidays are only for 15 days. Meh. Does it even count? It feels as if they're like you wanna have some? okay here's something. Nevermind. I knew what I was getting into while I took admission in this college. So they're almost only 15 days... technically if you count today and tomorrow too and the few days I won't be going to college, it's more like 19-20 days. You know when you're exams are going on but there you are planning your vacation instead of actually studying? I've talked about it before. Even in  this  vlog... If you haven't watched it yet, what are you doing man? go watch it. So, what I did this time to focus on actually studying, is that I wrote them down. I created a list on google keep of the things I wanted to do this summer vacation. That way I can focus on things I'm currently doing and remembe

Only a True Marvel Cinematic Universe Fan Can Get 100% on This Quiz

Hey, guys, I made a fun trivia game for google assistant which you can play right now! Basically, it is a quiz on the Marvel Cinematic Universe Here is the link to play the quiz. Let's see how much you know about MCU Tell me in the comments, how much you scored and d o share it with your friends who love MCU.

Exams and Coding

So, the online exam is going on. There are MCQs and it is on 4 out of the 6 units that we have in our syllabus. Its during the exams that our mind want us to do everything creative and cool. It just doesn't like studying. During exams, I'm like I wanna do this.... I wanna do that... I wanna do that too... and I end up thinking about how I would've done it and searching about it on the internet and stuff. You feel me? So yesterday I was thinking about trying a new linux distro I had deepin installed and then I reinstalled windows so the boot loader got overridden and stuff.( I would've done update-grub but I thought nevermind lets just try a new one). Ubuntu? naah fedora? naah debian? naah solus? not really and the list goes on So I came across this distro known as semicodeOS. It's an OS specifically targeted for programmers and developers. So I was like yeah... I can try that but then I saw that it was in early development and last release was in 2017

I promise

 I promise to you my crush that I'll already be looking at you when you would want to look at me I promise I'll never miss a chance to talk to you I promise I'll never miss a chance to be with you I promise I'll always listen to even the smallest of your troubles I promise I'll always help you I promise I'll always be madly smiling at the ground while thinking about you I promise I will ask your friend to talk to you about me I promise I'll bring you roses anonymously I promise I'll talk about you with my best friend for hours, making strategies I promise that someday I'll tell you what's in my heart I promise that that day you'll feel my emotions and connect with me like never before I promise I'll tell you the uttermost truth about my feelings for you I promise you'll be amazed by how beautiful I think you are I promise you my crush that I'll be the most amazing boyfriend in the world. I promise you, my girlfrien

Akela adhoora sama

Yeh zindagi hai akeli Akela yeh sama Akeli meri saasen Akela yeh jahan Akeli meri aakhein Ek saathi ko talashe Akeli meri baahein Usse apne me bharna chahe Zinda toh hu magar Akela bhi hu Apni hi baaton ko mai Dohrata bhi hu Aakhon me sapne mere Kahi ansune na reh jaye Pure hone par Khushi adhoori na reh jaye Chal rhi hai kaise Na pata ye zindagi Kehte toh sabhi the Do pahiyo pe ye chalti Adhoori wo gaadi Adhoora mai Bina dusre pahiye ke Na jane kaise chalta mai Na jane kaise chalta mai

log 01 - 91022071

Kinda going through an emotional breakdown right now. Feels like I'm suffering from social anxiety and loneliness. I'm not alone but I particularly feel like I have a companion. Feels like everything is going wrong. I've never felt this before. Everything is wrong. People I love or I care about getting away from me, things thay should've been normal have gone horribly wrong. I'm not able to focus on task in hand. Haven't been much productive lately. Not able to work on my goals. Why do I care so much about people who possibly don't even think about me. Why do I care about people so much. Why do I get attached to people so easily. It's weird. I this world of more than 7 billion people I feel lost. And alone. 

For someone who used to be my "friend"

I'm feeling low. And my head is screaming that I tell you this but I won't. Because I don't matter to you anymore. Because you don't matter to me anymore. I remember once i was feeling sad and how we talked for an hour and I felt better... Much better.. But those were the days.. People change. People get busy So busy that they forget about others. Ever heard your best friend saying I was busy, I had work, i had stuff to do, hence I couldn't talk to you / text you. Sounds funny isn't it. Not according to the "friend". According to the "friend" friendship is more about understanding someone. Great. I agree. But when will you understand me. When will you understand that how I am always free when you want to talk to me. When will you understand that I sometimes feel low and want to talk to you but you're too busy to talk to me. When will you understand that its not always about yourself in friendship. I agree we all have thing