Exams and Coding

So, the online exam is going on. There are MCQs and it is on 4 out of the 6 units that we have in our syllabus.
Its during the exams that our mind want us to do everything creative and cool. It just doesn't like studying.
During exams, I'm like I wanna do this.... I wanna do that... I wanna do that too... and I end up thinking about how I would've done it and searching about it on the internet and stuff.
You feel me?
So yesterday I was thinking about trying a new linux distro I had deepin installed and then I reinstalled windows so the boot loader got overridden and stuff.( I would've done update-grub but I thought nevermind lets just try a new one).
Ubuntu? naah
fedora? naah
debian? naah
solus? not really
and the list goes on

So I came across this distro known as semicodeOS. It's an OS specifically targeted for programmers and developers.
So I was like yeah... I can try that but then I saw that it was in early development and last release was in 2017 so I kinda didn't download it and ended up installing Ubuntu *facepalm moment*. Believe me I wanted to try a new distro. This is only my second time installing ubuntu.
I've used Kali, Fedora, Mint OS, Manjaro, Deepin,  solus, elementary, and a few more. I want to install Arch Linux dude. I tried it once but the process was a little complicated. You need to configure everything. So yeah I though of Arch linux too and then I realised I had my exam tomorrow and thought that would waste a lot of time. So I ended up installing ubuntu.

But then there was something.... semicode OS had a personal assistant sarah.
It could do all sorts of things like get info about TV or movie show, get lyrics of songs, download a youtube video, download a website, show weather, do speedtest, etc
I wanted to try it but didn't want to install the OS. even on a VM ( again exams no time. Who am I kidding xD ). So I went to the source code downloaded it. downloaded all the dependencies but it would work.

Then I thought what if we could even search from our terminal? Searched it on the internet, found a few posts didn't work, found some other posts, didn't look at them too closely.
AAAnnnddd ended up making a shell script which would do that for me.
*another facepalm moment*
So I coded the search command such that it would open a browser and searched on google for any search term you passed it.
Same for wikipedia and youtube.
Then I thought what's the point. Why would anyone not directly open a browser.
But then I realized I could make it better.
And then I added a few flags and combined them into one command.
So you could type the command "search" and use the flags "-g", "-wik", "-ytb" to search on google, wikipedia and youtube.
Then I added a few more websites like duckduckgo, yahoo, bing and vimeo.
Then I saw that I could search for image, video, news, maps on google
so I added suboptions for google for image, video, news and maps.
Then I thought what about directly searching for image and video
so I added more flags for direct video and image search.
Then I thought it would be cool if I added a default search engine option.
So I did that too.
It was a long process and took me 2 days ( in which I was studying for the exam too ).
And finally yesterday I uploaded it to github.
Here's a link if you wanna try it out:

So that is it. Our mind wanders a lot when we're doing boring stuff.
It likes to be in its comfort zone. We don't study the whole semester and then during the exams how will our minds cope up? It would want to do what it has been doing. Skipping studying. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
See you soon
Stay Awesome!


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