
Showing posts from May, 2019

The Summer Checklist

Finally! Exams are over! Not that I'm excited because I know that my excitement won't last too long. The summer holidays are only for 15 days. Meh. Does it even count? It feels as if they're like you wanna have some? okay here's something. Nevermind. I knew what I was getting into while I took admission in this college. So they're almost only 15 days... technically if you count today and tomorrow too and the few days I won't be going to college, it's more like 19-20 days. You know when you're exams are going on but there you are planning your vacation instead of actually studying? I've talked about it before. Even in  this  vlog... If you haven't watched it yet, what are you doing man? go watch it. So, what I did this time to focus on actually studying, is that I wrote them down. I created a list on google keep of the things I wanted to do this summer vacation. That way I can focus on things I'm currently doing and remembe

Only a True Marvel Cinematic Universe Fan Can Get 100% on This Quiz

Hey, guys, I made a fun trivia game for google assistant which you can play right now! Basically, it is a quiz on the Marvel Cinematic Universe Here is the link to play the quiz. Let's see how much you know about MCU Tell me in the comments, how much you scored and d o share it with your friends who love MCU.