
Showing posts from January, 2019

For someone who used to be my "friend"

I'm feeling low. And my head is screaming that I tell you this but I won't. Because I don't matter to you anymore. Because you don't matter to me anymore. I remember once i was feeling sad and how we talked for an hour and I felt better... Much better.. But those were the days.. People change. People get busy So busy that they forget about others. Ever heard your best friend saying I was busy, I had work, i had stuff to do, hence I couldn't talk to you / text you. Sounds funny isn't it. Not according to the "friend". According to the "friend" friendship is more about understanding someone. Great. I agree. But when will you understand me. When will you understand that how I am always free when you want to talk to me. When will you understand that I sometimes feel low and want to talk to you but you're too busy to talk to me. When will you understand that its not always about yourself in friendship. I agree we all have thing