
Showing posts from March, 2019

Exams and Coding

So, the online exam is going on. There are MCQs and it is on 4 out of the 6 units that we have in our syllabus. Its during the exams that our mind want us to do everything creative and cool. It just doesn't like studying. During exams, I'm like I wanna do this.... I wanna do that... I wanna do that too... and I end up thinking about how I would've done it and searching about it on the internet and stuff. You feel me? So yesterday I was thinking about trying a new linux distro I had deepin installed and then I reinstalled windows so the boot loader got overridden and stuff.( I would've done update-grub but I thought nevermind lets just try a new one). Ubuntu? naah fedora? naah debian? naah solus? not really and the list goes on So I came across this distro known as semicodeOS. It's an OS specifically targeted for programmers and developers. So I was like yeah... I can try that but then I saw that it was in early development and last release was in 2017