
Today approximately at 9:40 pm I was at "D. Raj mail Dairy" and when I was buying milk I heard a person talking to the cashier about something colour. I didn't understand it. While they were giving me the milk I heard the next conversation between the persons. So let the other person be X and the Owner be O
So basically O said that if you wanna check if the note is duplicate and that to in front of a person who is close to you just slide your hand slightly touching the "Bhariya Reserve bank"(or the "Reserve bank of India") and if you feel that its somewhat ridged then the note is original and this method is used by blind people to recognise the notes. Then there came O's son who told that I'll show you a duplicate note later.
X said that why don't you exchange it by giving the note to bank...
O said that it cannot happen bank does not accept it.
X said that I heard somewhere that Govt. is giving 350 Rs. to the people who exchange the note..
O giggles and says that if this was true then people would rush all the way to bank exchanging the duplicate notes created by them itself. Its a rumour don't believe in such things. These things are put by some people on the internet and then the rumours spread as if they were original ones.

So basically, find me the person who is spreading such impractical rumours. I mean come on man then anyone would draw up something on the paper which looks like a note and then he'll receive rs 350 from the govt. lol thats just bulls***.
I can then imagine a person selling duplicate notes on OLX or an auction for the duplicate note.. I mean lol...
How do people think of this shit.

Man I want to meet the person who created this myth and want to tell him just either stop doing this or just stop doing this.

Also there are some myths in the people related to superstitions specially among the Indian minds. I'll talk about it in my another Blog known as Indian Myths... Stay tuned I'll let you know about it.
Also do comment down below what rumours did you hear and which were so ...... that you couldn't believe what you even heard.
Stay tuned for my next blog till then...
Stay wise (and don't spread rumours) and stay awesome


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