So, it has been a while since I tried making some games and experimenting with game making.

Recently I decided to continue my good old RunStickRun ( player has to avoid obstacles ) and make the graphics a tad bit better ( for obvious reasons ).

And from the past two days, I was watching some tutorials and decided to go with the free assets available on the Unity Asset Store. And ended up creating this.

And it is a windows based game with basic controls like
A & D to walk, holding shift to run and space to jump!

You can download try out this Demo Scene from

( If the URL loads a blank page, reload the page. It's just an issue with the hosting. )

So, now I'm thinking of making a whole new game out of it.

Maybe I just drop things out of the sky and the user has to avoid them. It will be like an endless game. I might also make different endless levels. Also, there are almost 60 characters to unlock making the game even more interesting.


Maybe I just make a story based game like the classic old Mario where the user has to go and explore the world and reach the end of the level to get a reward. I can then make certain levels unlock certain characters, etc.

So, I'm a little bit confused on what I should do about this game.

I told one of my friends about the RunStickRun and this game which I called BhagBetaBhag ( As it was supposed to be a better version of RunStickRun ) and he was overwhelmed and asked me to add a score in the game RunStickRun.
So, today I added a time-based score and a high score, and fixed some bugs and released the version 0.2. Then I fixed some more bugs and released version 0.21 hehe.

Both the games are available on my website the link is and are free to download and play.

I hope you enjoy them!
Do tell me in the comments!
Happy Gaming!


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